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NL/Living in an Interconnected World

Fri, 03 Jun


Metta Vihara Buddhist Retreat Centre

“… everything is interconnected and nothing can ever really be ordinary – in the sense of being without deeper meaning – at all.” (Sangharakshita)

NL/Living in an Interconnected World
NL/Living in an Interconnected World

Times & Location

03 Jun 2022, 16:00 – 06 Jun 2022, 15:00

Metta Vihara Buddhist Retreat Centre, Hengstdijkse Kerkstraat 36, 4585 AC Hengstdijk, Netherlands


Guided by metta and mindfulness we, on the Dharma path, try to find our way within an increasingly complex world. 

World events impact us, crises hit us, and we might ask ourselves whether, with the help of our practice, we can contribute to something better and more open. How do we live in an interconnected world, honouring others, respecting nature, while not neglecting the self? How do we not just know, but experience, how we and the world – other people and all of nature – are deeply connected?

Interconnecting meditation and practice of body-based improvisation, dance & play we will spend time practicing together – in the shrine room and in nature, exploring how to live simply within complexity, in an embodied way. For 4 days we will live together, finding new ways to meet, be-with, allowing flow, and letting others, nature, diversity and life flow through us.

This retreat is led in English and hosted by the beautiful Metta Vihara Retreat Centre in Holland. 

'Metta Vihara means abode of loving kindness. We welcome everyone who is looking for more depth or more meaning in life. Our retreat center offers a tranquil environment for tranquility, simplicity and contentment. Within walking distance is a small nature reserve De Putting – a wetland where meadow birds breed.

All are welcome, who are interested in meditation and embodied methods of practice.

Please book here, and book early, as the number of participants is limited.

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